
Concepts x Nike Kyrie 6 “Golden Mummy” For Sale


SKU: CV5572-149 Category: Tag:


Continuing to tell the history of ancient Egypt, Concepts honors the Egyptian god Khepri Ra, who represents the movement of the rising sun. A Pink color scheme speaks to Khepri’s daily renewal of the sun and a scarab beetle on the strap is a homage to the ancient depiction of the Egyptian god.

The other, a kids-exclusive, is inspired by King Tut and his extravagant tomb to create the Kyrie 6 Golden Mummy. Highlighting the opulence of the Pharaoh’s tomb, turquoise and cherry red hits act as a direct reference to the multitude of gems found on King Tut’s 24-lb gold mask. In a nod to ancient Egyptian customs, the sail color scheme represents the traditional burial cloths that were essential to the mummification process.